Baruch Hashem, when Rabbi Akiva was asked why he wasn’t afraid of the Roman empire, he famously responded that we are like fish who are being hunted with great nets by fishermen. Should we leave the water and try to escape who we are, we are dead on sight. Our only chance to survive, and indeed thrive, is to stay in the water. And there is no “water” for us other than Torah study.
(Talmud, Berachos 61B and Bava Kama 17A).
To that end, I’d like to invite you to join me for two ongoing Torah classes I offer:
“The Laws of Shabbos” - JEWISH LAW.
In this class, we will explore the Torah, Talmudic, and later Rabbinic authorities on the laws regarding the observance of Shabbos. We will even address contemporary questions involving new technology and pragmatic situations. This class is open to beginners but we will study together just like they do in Yeshivahs - with lively discussions and (hopefully) debate!
TIME: Mondays, 9:30-10am for the month of January.
WHERE: Online, Zoom/WhatsApp (depending on who signs up).
TO RSVP: Just reply to this email!
2. “Analyzing Rash on the Weekly Parsha” - JEWISH SCRIPTURE
In this class, we will study the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s fascinating analysis of the Rashi commentary on the weekly Torah portion. Basically, a commentary on a commentary which is always fun. This is an ongoing class which already has a fascinating cadre of attendees including a Rabbi & Mohel, a science professor, a real estate magnate, and a chess master.
TIME: Wednesdays 10:30-11am
WHERE: WhatsApp video (If you don’t have WhatsApp, don’t worry. I’ll send you the link.)
TO RSVP: Reply to this email!
In the merit of our Torah study, may the Chayalim, the brave women & men, fighting evil around the globe be granted immediate victory! Moshiach & World Peace!